Happy 09'
parentfuckers and
myrt frothers! Father time has brought us a new year... Papa Snarf brings you new stories and more weirdness than
Pee Wee Herman to
hyperactivite your brain's synapse more intensely then the dopamine levels created from doing the "
Colombian Ostrich" and burying your head in a kilo of
shneaks originating from
LA's beloved
Skid Row. Just ask
Pee Wee... crack rock on!
Being that this is my first installment since my intro about a month ago... please note that these blogs will follow a very loose format (think Rosie O'Donnell's wizard sleeve) and will never be as long as this one... WORD OF THE DAY
Parentfucker- In this day in age we can no longer afford to be sexist, ignorant or politically incorrect. "Stop using the word motherfucker. It's insensitive. Instead use the gender neutral parentfucker from here on out".
- Kimberlee Cordova
Since my intro post I attended an awesome event in Downtown LA known as the
Old Bank District Block Party. 4
th Street was shut down between Spring and Main and featured open art exhibits and outdoor beer gardens from 6 to midnight. We later found ourselves at underground after hours club which led to the perhaps the greatest dance off of 08' between
Surf Ambassador Hendo and Papa
Snarf McMeowskers...
nuff' said!
These antics soon parlayed into a surf/photo trip to the infamous land of blue chandeliers and pipe dreams (
interpret as necessary) ... yes ladies and gents... the
North Shore of Oahu. I was soon surfing my brains out and shot more photos
Ansel Adams at Yosemite or
James Nachtwey in war riddled
Robert Cappa would be proud! I soon joined forces with the
Surf Ambassador himself,
Hendonesia, and the always epic South African man of men
D-Schech. My living quarters for the duration of my stay was located just up the street from
Foodland in the
Pupukea Highlands. My next door neighbor was
North Shore Pipeline Posse enforcer
Jason Frederico. I surfed Pipeline and lost a fin to it's almighty reef. Hung out at
Haleiwa Joe's and the
Turtle Bay's Bay Club where one of the boys passed out in the bar's outdoor cigarette planter and prompted a visit from the fecal phantom visited our room (
btw we discovered who the phantom that night was). We partied so hard in
Waikiki one night with a bunch Indian chicks from Perth, Irish girls from
Galway and Brazilian
myrts from
Sao Paulo that boys ended up spending the night in the car... I slept in the trunk!
I finally returned to LA with just enough time to recover for New Years Eve! The next day I found myself at
Giant Maximus... somehow finagled VIP access and it was suddenly a new year! Nevertheless my pictures are worth a thousand w
ords so stay posted for them!
(photos courtesy of shotgunmary.com)
Unless you've been dead for the last few years, are still a fetus or have been living the pipe dream the word "hipster" should ring a bell. Just for the record, I am not a hipster... I'm a surfer, a hustler, a mover and a shaker... but most definitely NOT A HIPSTER!. Hipsters are egotistical conformist following a trend because they have no sense of themselves. Though my style and preferences would be equated as "hipster" these days; I've
been wearing funny hats, flannels, tight clothes, and Vans shoes since I was a kid because it was cost effective, functional and usually a hand-me-down. Not because it was cool, but because I didn't give a shit about what anyone thought... now that's punk rock! When you were wearing
Abercrombie & Fitch, Hurley, Hollister and
Gap; I was wearing whatever you had deemed as trashy, seditious or "so last year". My ghetto style is your
pre-packaged, glossy paged, status magazine acquired life. Quit stealing my heat you damn hipsters!
I whole
heartedly believe that being a hipster has gone from being a lifestyle description to becoming a fashion trend. Due to the trend becoming heavily saturated with wannabe douche bags I now see the hipster scene as a group of people attempting to pose as something they're not... cool. The "hipster look" arose from a dissonant group of human beings setting themselves apart from normal society through disassociation on several fronts; be it fashion sense, taste in music or social circles. The clothes people wear these days don't hold as much water as their attitude or outlook on life do. For me a "true hipster" is an
individual who is accountable to only themselves and not to the trends that surround
them. It is more of a mentality than a style... an individualist mentality which dictates your own unique style. To me these are people who know they're cool unto themselves and don't go out of their way to look "cool" for others... a.k.a. poser bitches seeking validation from their peers.
This new wave hipster fashion trend is a juxtaposition of the the original meaning of the term "hipster", hence a "true" hipster's unwillingness to ever accept being designated as a hipster. A "true" hipster is someone who is unique and independent in their ideals, principals, social life and mannerisms and could give two shits about what someone has to say about them. If your offended by this blog than you're not a "true" hipster... you're actually a "kookster". The threads these self proclaimed hipster posers wear are just a translucent mask to help them fit in (a.k.a. a conformist) with the "cool kids". Congrats, you're a lame ass copycat riding on my coattail.
Now, I don't want hipsters to get the wrong idea. I'm not coming down on them because of the way they dress or the things they do... in fact I think it's a pretty sweet style. Some of the hardest people I know dress like "hipsters". However, I do have beef with the whole conceded Hollywood elitist hipster attitude most of these
kooksters seem to possesses. It's pretentious and a juxtaposition of the real person they're hiding underneath those v-neck
American Apparel t-shirts, striped cardigans and kook-net stockings. I'll snap those hipster twigs you call legs hiding under those
munster pants in two and use em' as a back
scratcher/golf club. Can't you guys just be yourselves and go sit on that big black vibrating strap-on your hiding in the pocket of the fur-lined
Hollister jacket you wore last winter? Nevertheless, I can't help but appreciate that I'm now "in style" so that I can froth all the retard unassuming hipster freak
myrts that roam t
he streets of my city. Bring it on! You can catch me outside of Bar107 with a sausage cart full of ween to feed all you
bitches! Thanks for being a bunch of posers America... you rock!
If you want to find out if someone is actually a "hipster" all you have to do is ask. If that person smiles, nods or answers approvingly then you're dealing with a kookster. If they give you a mean look or sock you in the face... congratulations... you've just met a real hipster.
However, for far greater clarification beyond my own bias of the the whole "STER MESS" consider the words of well respected Williamsburg indie-rock promoter Todd P:
What you have is the group of people that most folks are meaning to dis when they say "hipster" — that crew is the "Trendsters" — the least positive group of hip kids out there, trendsters surf around on other people's ideas rather than coming up with new ideas of their own. The best kind of hipster is defining his/her own culture, and following his/her own tastes outside of trends and commercial bullshit.
Now that's keeping it real!